Add a star if you're a paranoid schizophrenic. This contemptible production is a sadistic exercise in unrelenting grimness. Huppert pukes, a horse is shot and sliced open, a child dies from dehydration, middle-age women exchange sex for a drink of water, little Benny's nose bleeds incessantly...sheesh, enough already. The apocalypse will be really bad. I get it.
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Mamma Mia! (2008)

Bad beyond mortal endurance. Pierce Brosnan sings. Middle age women pretend to be disco stars. The horror, the horror. The turkeys are hitting the ground like bags of wet cement. Oh the humanity.
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Father Ted, Series 3 (1997)

Greatest moments in TV comedy: Lucy stomping grapes, Ed Ames' hatchet throw with Johnny Carson, Python's Spanish Inquisition, Seinfeld's Master of My Domain, and "Speed 3" from this disc. Just watch the fecking thing. Now.
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Tout Va Bien (1972)

Jane Fonda further established her art house bona fides in this tale of rebellions great and small. Godard, when not tripping over Marxist boilerplate, displays his considerable technical chops as a filmmaker. There are a number of innovative visual ideas here: the obvious staginess of the factory environment, the amazingly choreographed long tracking shots and the workers march with it's holocaust overtones, to name a few.
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