This painfully dead-on satire of movie deal making manages to both skewer and celebrate the famous French Riviera schmooze fest. Through a simple and interweaving storyline, we get to know various writers, producers and actors and marvel at how a fleeting idea in a writer's mind can set off an enormous and potentially ruinous chain of events. Zack Norman is just about perfect as a hustling hanger-on who attempts to parlay his gift for gab into a major motion picture, and by cleverly appealing to the egos of everyone he meets, darn near pulls it off. Henry Jaglom has obviously been in the skins of all these characters at one time or another, which accounts for the film's amazing laugh out loud authenticity. I suppose one purpose of the film is to show the hysteria and back-biting that goes on at Cannes, but it still looks like a lot of fun to me. Will someone lend me their press credential? Its that time of year again...
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